Weekly Writing Prompt — Nov. 13, 2013 Edition

Our dateline is full of the magic number of 13 today.

So our prompt is going to take about 13 minutes. Set a timer so you don’t do longer than that — otherwise you’ll get lost. Trust me.
This exercise should also help you get through your mushy middle and make you fall back in love with your Work In Progress.
I want you to find a quiet place (lock yourself in the bathroom if you have to). Have a notebook and pen handy for immediately following.
Put on calming, white-noise kind of music, if you like (totally optional).
Get comfortable (you can sit, lie down, recline, whatever).
Close your eyes.
Start to think about your protagonist. Put your mind into getting into their head. A quick way to do that is imagining yourself putting on their shoes (boots, high heels, sneakers, whatever). Make a mental note about how they tie, strap, or zip on the shoes. What are they thinking about as they are putting on their shoes. Do they put on socks or hose first? Barefoot? do they put on both socks first and then shoes or do they put on one stocking and then a shoe before heading to the other. Where are they walking once they put on the shoe. What’s their mission for the day? Do they have to discover something? Do they have to hide something? Do they need to reveal something? Do they have to go and talk to someone, or stop them from doing something?
Spend the timer’s 13 minutes being your character. What do they feel? Are they scared? Determined? Confused? What?
When the timer dings (or buzzes or squawks or hoots), write down everything you experienced as fast as you can. Don’t spend more than another 13 minutes doing this. Feel free to set the timer again.
Now get back to work on your WIP.
Don’t forget, writer’s cafe tonight at Sawdust Coffee house at the North Bend Outlet Mall.
And now your moment of Writing Zen:
Let us not be content to wait and see what will happen, but give us the determination to make the right things happen.” ~Horace Mann 

What did you Write today?

Casondra Brewster
Sno Valley Writes!
Helping Writers Reach New Literary Peaks Since 2008
Check us out on Facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/SnoValleyWrites

“But words are things, and a small drop of ink,
Falling, like dew upon a thought, produces
That which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think.” ~ Lord Byron