Tag Archives: calendar items

Weekly Writing Prompt — July 1, 2015 Edition

Happy July Writers!

Today’s prompt is about FEAR. Oh, what a four-letter word it is for writers. It very much is the thing that blocks us from doing what we love, what we’re supposed to do — tell our stories. What are you fearful of? The story itself? Rejection? Criticism?
One way to get over that is to join a group like ours — one where we are focused on your strengths and work from a foundation of encouragement to help you hone your craft and constantly improve. Use the group for feedback, to learn, to go out of your comfort zone and grow. You will learn that you are the only blocker to your success as an author — not your schedule, your life, your ability, or that misnomer of writer’s block. I hate to sound all cliche — but, it’s true:  you can do whatever you set your mind to do. The only thing holding you back is fear. There’s no better time to be an author. Therefore, today — yes, today — I want you to sit down for just a brief 15 minutes (I encourage you to set a timer) and list what is blocking you from your writing goals. List them all — since for the most part, we all have more than one thing that holds us back. Don’t worry about format or punctuation or anything, just let it flow, kind of like morning pages. After 15 minutes stop and re-read what you wrote. Then I want you to spend the rest of today and through the weekend thinking about it. Then on Monday, sit back down with pen and  paper or at your computer and write down how you’re going to combat your fears. Make a plan. Set a goal. Make a list of actionable items (e.g. get up earlier every day to write for 30 minutes, or send out that short story I like, or research agents). Then go do it. Will the inner editor, or the crazy makers continue to try to hold you back and create new fears in your writing life? Yes. Move forward despite. Or repeat the exercise when necessary.
Finish reading this email and then go to work.
July 18th is our heads-down writing time at the Library from 10:30 a.m. to Noon. Feel free to use it as an excuse to escape the heat and be left alone with your stories.

Now your moment of Writing Zen:
“Write what disturbs you, what you fear, what you have not been willing to speak about. Be willing to be split open.” ~Natalie Goldberg, Writing Down The Bones. 

What did you Write today?

Casondra Brewster
Sno Valley Writes!
Helping Writers Reach New Literary Peaks Since 2008
Check us out on Facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/SnoValleyWrites

“But words are things, and a small drop of ink,
Falling, like dew upon a thought, produces
That which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think.” ~ Lord Byron