Tag Archives: week 11

Weekly Writing Prompt — February 27, 2013 Edition


Great Work Shop last night. I can tell winter is wearing on folks as our numbers always seem to dwindle in late February/early March. Hope to see more of you on March 12.

We are now on Week 11 of The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. It’s clear folks are really beginning to recover their creativity and be good to their inner artist. That’s fantastic and what it’s all about.

In this chapter we focus on our artistic autonomy. We examine the ongoing ways in which we must nurture and accept ourselves as artists. We explore the behaviors that can strengthen our spiritual base and, therefore, our creative power. We take a special look at the ways in which success must be handled in order that we not sabotage our freedom.

We will be working on acceptance of self as an artist. I’ve had you do this exercise before, but we’ll do it again.

Say these words a loud:  “I am an artist.”


Once more, and with feeling!


Oh, you didn’t do it.

Turn around and do it. Excuse yourself to a private place, if necessary. But say, “I am an artist.” And say it out loud for your own ears to hear three times.

We’ll be focusing on how success is creativity. How creativity is a spiritual practice.

We’ll be focusing on what Cameron calls “The Zen of Sports.” Basically that’s doing things like walking, or running, or a Zumba class to get the brain waves into a zone that allows for open channels to creativity.

We’ll be looking at building an artist’s altar. We just said that creativity is a spiritual practice. You’ll need to create some “rituals” towards your creativity. Some of you may already have them. Some of you maybe just need permission to building these spaces and actions. Some of you just need to know this is a part of The Artist’s Way.


  1. Tape your own voice reading the Basic Principles. (See Page 3). Choose a favorite essay from this book and record that as well. Use it as a meditation. (If you do not have a copy of The Artist’s Way – just choose any inspirational essay. However, here’s some from Cameron that you might choose.)
  2. Write out, in longhand, your Artist’s Prayer from Week Four. Place it in your wallet.

Those are the tasks for this week.

Those who went to the workshop – don’t forget:  One lovely thing for you – just yourself – each day for the next seven days.

For those that didn’t attend the workshop and want to know what that is…be sure to join us March 12, so you don’t miss out.

And now your moment of Writing Zen:

“Art does not reproduce the visible; rather, it makes it visible. The moon develops creativity as chemicals develop photographic images.” ~Norma Jean Harris