Weekly Writing Prompt — March 26, 2014 Edition


Wow, the end of March is upon us. Where does the time go? As one of my favorite non-fiction authors, Gretchen Rubin, says, the days are long but the years are short.

Hopefully you’re reading and working on creating book reviews. I missed being able to do the workshop yesterday, but as it turned out it was just as well. Hospital stays, even when they are not yours, are exhausting when you are a caregiver.
Our next workshop is April 8 at 6 p.m. at the North Bend Library. In between, I would hope you would all participate in a writers cafe or two. 
An administrative note, our Facebook page will be going away soon. Due to Facebook’s new policy for “pages” the likelihood of you seeing it is about 8 percent, which doesn’t make it worth our while. I’m in the midst of trying to determine the best social media format to feed into our web site. If you haven’t bookmarked our website, please do so today. I’m trying to determine the best path to make it more interactive, but that has been difficult. Also, I’m looking to see how many of you are on other social media platforms like twitter, Google+, linkedin, Tumblr.. Just ship me a quick email to say which is your preference for social media usage. I don’t need handles or anything like that, just an email that says, “I’m on twitter, but love Google+,” or whatever. This is all to help you stay connected as writers.
Today’s prompt/exercise is to do a freewrite as a response to a book you’ve just read. Set a timer for 20 minutes, and just write everything that comes to your head about the book. Don’t stop, just let the pen flow or your fingers fly. Allow a stream of consciousness. Don’t worry about punctuation or spelling or any of that. This is strictly for you. When the timer goes off, put it aside. Wait at least a day and then revisit it when you’re ready to do your review. It might give you a great hook for your review or, at minimum, a jumping off place.
Don’t forget to keep doing your morning pages and participating in artist’s dates.
And now your moment of Writing Zen:  “The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind.” ~Albert Einstein