Writing Prompt — September 28, 2016 Edition


Oh, you don’t think you’re a writer? You’re just a wannabe? FALSE! If you’re writing. You’re a writer. The rest is just gravy. Yes, special sauce, friend. If you let doubt and fear mince words and define who you are, you won’t reach your goals. So lock that inner editor away and write on!
Heads up:  Many in our fold have books being released in October and November, so stay tuned for that goodness. Helping fellow authors is part of the job of being a writer. So get ready to read, review, and post about that.
Let’s do an Autumn Check-Up on your Writing Life:
1. Are you doing your morning pages?
2. Are you keeping artists dates for yourself?
3. Are you attending literary events (writing cafes count!)
4. Are you keeping the crazymakers at bay?
5. Are you guarding your writing time like a fiery dragon?
6. Are you reading daily?
7. Where are you on your goals?
8. What should you do today to get back on track?
Do this check up, reassess, and get back to implementing the plan.
And now your moment of Writing Zen:
“Sometimes I feel like relationships consist of telling your same life stories to different people until someone finally appreciates them.”
― Kate RocklandFalling Is Like This

What did you Write today?

Casondra Brewster
Sno Valley Writes!
Helping Writers Reach New Literary Peaks Since 2008
Check us out on Facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/SnoValleyWrites

“But words are things, and a small drop of ink,
Falling, like dew upon a thought, produces
That which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think.” ~ Lord Byron