Weekly Writing Prompt — January 30, 2013 Edition

Greetings Writers!

Most times you get this directly to your Email. This week, I sent you simply a link to our web site, to get the information there. Please feel free to comment there, as well, on the information contained therein.

When was the last time you positively affirmed either “I am a writer,” or “I am an artist?”

Don’t know?

Well say it with me now. Out loud. Doesn’t matter where you are.

“I am a writer.”

“I am an artist.”


So it’s Artist Way Check-In Time.

Look folks, it’s been more than a year that we’ve been working on The Artist’s Way. I’m really hoping that you’re beginning to do some of these “habits” to nurture your “inner artist child” and find your path to creative recovery. It’s a long and arduous journey. The abuse to our inner child was long in the making. We’re not going to fully heal over night. So, don’t just think you can give up on these habits. They are life long.

If you’ve truly been doing these habits and have no sense of recovery, I’d really like to know. For those who have been doing these weekly habits, the exercises, the tasks, tell me how you’re doing. Answer the questions below in the comment section:

1. How many days this week (since last Wednesday) did you do your morning pages? Regarding your U-turns, have you allowed yourself a shift toward compassion, at least on the page?

2.  Did you do your artist date this week? Have you kept the emphasis on fun? What did you do? How did it feel?

3.  Did you experience any synchronicity this week? What was it?

4.  Were there any other issues this week that you consider significant for your recovery? Describe them.

Again, please answer in the comment section below.

And now your Moment of Writing Zen:

“When we are really honest with ourselves we must admit our lives are all that really belong to us. So it is how we use our lives that determines the kind of men we are.” ~Cesar Chavez

What did you Write today?

Casondra Brewster
Sno Valley Writes!
Helping Writers Reach New Literary Peaks Since 2008
Check us out on Facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/SnoValleyWrites

“But words are things, and a small drop of ink,
Falling, like dew upon a thought, produces
That which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think.” ~ Lord Byron

2 thoughts on “Weekly Writing Prompt — January 30, 2013 Edition

  1. Morning pages…I think I’m at 4 days. It’s a struggle for me.

    Artist Date…I browsed thrift stores on Whidbey Island for books and other treasures. Also walked on the beach, watched someone feeding a massive cloud of seagulls. At first I though she was crazy…then realized she was probably really enjoying herself and those squaking birds probably spoke her language.

    Synchronicity…I think I missed it.

    Issues for Recovery….I was really disappointed when I had to give something up I wanted to do. Adding one more thing to my schedule was tipping me over the edge. I’m having to re-trim the optionals in my life.

  2. I had a moment when someone asked me if I had a pen and to answer the first question when did I last affirm I was a writer, I answered that person with “Of course I have a pen, I am a writer!”

    I think I did two pages. I actually haven’t done them every day because the morning pages have brought up many issues for me and have pushed me forward with change. I had been working on some of these issues for years and this pushed it thru. It has not been easy but I will say it has been good for me. But I am getting to where I am going to be able to do the morning pages more and more on a consistent basis . For me the questions and thoughts sent out in this have caused so much thought. (This is a good thing.)

    My compassion has widened it’ reach and even towards myself. So many of us forget to give ourselves a break. And it has helped heal some things and for me to get over myself in others. Nothing can be done to change the past but I can sure change how I look at it and handle it.

    Synchronicity,(I-love Synchronicity!) oh yes twice. Two times a major issue came up and at the same time someone involved also called and thinking the same thing on the same issue and those calls helped. I have gotten a lot from this exercise. I satisfied my artist ways at home this week by working at the creative part of my home and making things more calm and by again letting go of a bunch of stuff!. It was wonderful. Letting go is wonderful. Get rid of your junk! It can be material junk or mind and emotional junk. Time to clean house. Too much “junk” robs your creativity!
    I feel this is a good thing.
    Thank You Casz!

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