Weekly Writing Prompt — May 29, 2013 Edition


A big Thank-You to Takako for stepping up and facilitating last night’s critique intensive. I’m feeling a bit better, but far from well. Just hoping to kick this bug enough before tonight’s hockey game, since next to writing and farming, that is one of my passions as well. 😀 Takako did give me your feedback as far as desires for the group and I will be implementing them as more information back becomes available.
Speaking of stepping up, we need to talk about National Novel Writing Month. I know it’s only May; however, plans need to begin for November now. The forms for municipal liaison are out. I know that Takako has said she will consider continuing in her Co-ML capacity as she has the last few years; however, I will not be ML this year; nor will I be participating in NaNoWriMo. I need to focus on other things currently, especially if SnoValley Writes! is to continue and grow. However, there is a huge group within SnoValley Writes! and throughout the valley that will participate in NaNoWriMo and if you have the desire — or especially if you have not done it — I strongly encourage you to do so. So, if anyone is interested in being Co-ML, (it would be good if someone who’s already done NaNo to step up for this role) please let me know and I’ll get you all the details. A decision must be made by June 19.
Speaking of June (like my crappy transitions? Hey, I blame medicine head), we need to talk Summer Schedule. We normally take August off because that is the Library’s Book Sale and we lose our meeting room. Accordingly, I’ve scheduled all my family vacations during that time. However, there are some other challenges, too, throughout summer. We will meet on June 11. Last day of school for our school district, so get your me-time in now, right? 😀  However, June 25th I’ll be wrapped up in All-Star Baseball Schedule, which is every.freaking.night. So, I will be unavailable; however, you’re all welcome to do another critique intensive — just need a facilitator. If someone steps up, then I can let the library know that we will still be using the room. In July we are scheduled to meet the 9th and 23rd. If for any reason, I have less than 3 people coming, I will cancel those sessions. Summer tends to be rough on folks’ schedules, I understand. But, I can use those hours writing or what not, if there is no moderating to be done. 😀 Just let me know, so we can plan accordingly and I can inform the library.
Last Summer, too, our weekly writing prompts were sporadic. They become more like monthly prompts. My intent this summer is to continue the weekly communique, except for August. August is vacation from everything writing. It does not mean you need to stop your artist’s dates or morning pages (those are healthy things and I continue those as well); but, for me, I take that month off from new composition, revising, plotting, teaching…all of it.  I also tend to take three weeks around the holidays, too. It’s what works for me. It does not mean you have to follow the same path. Hopefully by then we’ll have the forum section of the web site activated (or something similar), and you all can stay connected.
As always, another way to stay connected with your fellow writers is through our Write-Ins (aka Writing Cafes) which take place Mondays (save holiday Mondays like this last week), Wednesdays and Fridays. You can always see the calendar section of our web site as a reminder.
Your prompt is to check out our web site and attend a writer’s cafe before June 11, as well as let me know your intentions for the rest of summer’s work sessions.
And now, your moment of Writing Zen:
“When we are unable to work, we can work at the work of getting ready to work. Writers can lay in supplies of papers and enticing pens, notepads that plead, ‘Please write on me.’ Painters can prepare their canvases, clean their brushes, neaten their studio space. Potters can acquire a new lump of cool clay and clear the table space where they will knead and shape it. Gentle things can be done.” ~Julia Cameron.

What did you Write today?

Casondra Brewster
Sno Valley Writes!
Helping Writers Reach New Literary Peaks Since 2008
Check us out on Facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/SnoValleyWrites

“But words are things, and a small drop of ink,
Falling, like dew upon a thought, produces
That which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think.” ~ Lord Byron