Weekly Writing Prompt — July 30, 2014 Edition

Hello Writers!

Have you been enjoying your summer? I hope so. We’ve been busy around here with many, many things, including writing.
Have you been doing your morning pages? Have you had an artist date as of late? How about read every day, in addition to writing?
When was the last time you went to a writers’ cafe?
If there are any kind of answers that are no, not as of late, can’t recall, or not in a long time, you might want to change that around.
Despite the hiatus to workshops, the group is still very active — especially in the cafes. Lots of work, networking, inspiration, and the like is going on.
Today’s prompt is simply this:  don’t let life get in the way of telling your story (whatever that may be). Keep writing. Keep giving yourself permission to pursue your dreams. Heal and heed that inner child.
And now your moment of writing zen:
“Non-judgment quiets the internal dialogue, and this opens once again the doorway to creativity.”
― Deepak Chopra