Weekly Writing Prompt — Jan. 12, 2011 Edition


I must say over the course of the last week the phrase “The student has become the master” seems very apropos.

Since the inception of SnoValley Writes! I have always been impressed with the quality, dedication and passion that flows from this group. This week you have all shown that three-fold.

Congratulations to Kathleen Gabriel for making the editor’s cut in the Indie Literary Journal “Line Zero.” (www.linezero.org).

My continued thanks and Kudos to Sheri Kennedy and Takako Wright for keeping the Writers Cafe and Day Trippers events going. We all need space and time to pursue our passions and you keep that going, and I think it’s so important.

Also, thank you so much to those of you who have given me feed back on the forever-rejected story. I posted on my facebook that it had been rejected six times. I told you on Sunday that it was a dozen times. It’s only been 11, but all the same. Your feed back may make submission # 12 or #13 the lucky time. My appreciation for this knows no bounds.

These are the moments that I feel like I can’t inspire you any further. That I can’t give you anything else.

Yet, there is always more to learn. Always more for which to reach. Other goals to be accomplished, hurdles to be overcome and congratulations to be given.

So onward and forward!

Speaking of forward, the group has some ideas to continue our mission in raising literary awareness in our community and supporting our fellow writers along the way. But we need volunteers to be project managers. Any takers? Let me know. Great resume builders.


Today’s prompt is inspired by our wonderful, delightfully crazy weather.

Sit down and let the weather, either the current one or another type inspire and lead the way as a central focus of a story. Allow its unpredictability to interfere with the plans of your antagonist or your protagonist. Write an essay why a walk in the snow is so cleansing to the soul. Tell me about how you survive a Tornado (for our non-fiction folks). Write, write, write why a lonely street in the rain can hold such a potential for danger. Let me smell the weather. Let me feel its bite on my skin. Give me description that paints a very clear picture for me without being cliche. Write until you can’t write any more. Go walk the dog today for :20 if you need to be reminded about how weather impacts the physical being…hehe.


And now your moment of Writing Zen:

The best thing one can do when it’s raining is to let it rain. ~HenryWadsworth Longfellow

What did you Write today?

Casondra Brewster
Sno Valley Writes!
Helping Writers Reach New Literary Peaks Since 2008
Check us out on Facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/SnoValleyWrites

“But words are things, and a small drop of ink,
Falling, like dew upon a thought, produces
That which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think.” ~ Lord Byron