Weekly Writing Prompt — Aug. 28, 2013 Edition

Well it sure doesn’t feel like summer is waning. My micro farm certainly doesn’t think it’s waning. However, in a mere week the kiddos will be back in classrooms and traffic will increase, so will the rains (as we’re getting a preview lately). And bimonthly workshops begin again.

Our next will be Sept. 10 at 6 p.m. at the North Bend Library Meeting Room. On topic will be building a platform as we ready for publishing or even post publishing. Heck, even Joyce Carol Oates said she’d be platform building and blogging. So do plan to be there. So far I have 10 RSVPs. If you let me know already, no need to respond again. But, if you’ve just cleared your calendar to be there, please let me know.
Your writing prompt is more of a writer prompt. Go find three blogs you like. You can see a few examples on our web site under the blogs tab. Most folks who have blog also have blogs they follow. Let yourself play in the blogosphere for a couple of hours. Or do 20 minutes a day until the workshop. Just have an idea of how people use blogs, what they do, don’t do, how they are laid out, etc. Take notes, if that’s your thing. Take screenshots, if that’s your thing. Just have an idea.
Don’t know about platform building? You can check out this article, too, as an introduction. Then get some tips and tactics at the workshop.
And now your moment of Writing Zen:  “One of the difficulties with the creative life is that when we have creative breakthroughs, they may look and even be experienced as breakdowns. Our normal, ordinary way of seeing ourselves and the world suddenly goes on tilt, and as it does, a new way of seeing and looking at things comes towards us.” ~Julia Cameron

What did you Write today?

Casondra Brewster
Sno Valley Writes!
Helping Writers Reach New Literary Peaks Since 2008
Check us out on Facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/SnoValleyWrites

“But words are things, and a small drop of ink,
Falling, like dew upon a thought, produces
That which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think.” ~ Lord Byron