Tag Archives: where do you want to go in writing

Weekly Writing Prompt — January 8, 2014 Edition

Happy New Year Writers!

I hope the holidays treated you well and the rest from the normal routine has you ready to take on 2014!
First up is that we’ll be meeting on January 14, 2014 at the library for our bi-monthly work session. We will continue with our Poor Man’s MFA series.
In light of that, today’s prompt is to get you ready for that work session because we’ll be tackling your 2014 Writing Challenges/Goals. We’ll be looking at where you’re going and where you’ve been. Take 30 minutes over the next few days before the 14th and figure the following out:
1) Year in Reveiw:  What writing benchmark did you make in 2013? What new skills, knowledge, and abilities do you have in your writing tool kit? Make a list. Be sure to include your biggest “win” in your writing life in 2013.
2) Looking Ahead:  Where do you want to go with your writing in 2014? What is your main writing goal for 2014? Do you want to publish a short story? Do you want to have a manuscript submission ready? Attend a conference? Secure an agent? What is the next stop on your writing journey?
3) Go backwards to go forward:  Start at your end-goal and plot out the rest-stops in your journey along the way. Figure out the mini-goals within the big goals to keep yourself accountable. (e.g. You need to write or edit every day in order to have a manuscript submission ready by, say, August.)
4. Baby’s First step:  What is the the most immediate thing you can do to head towards your goal right now? Write that down.
5) Make a writing Calendar:  After you’ve figured out steps 1 to 4, be sure to write goals, milestones, stops along the journeys on the calendar. Be as detailed as you can possibly be.
6) Ask for Help:  What can SnoValley Writes! do to help you with your goals?
Bring the above, including your calendar, with you to the January 14th Work Session and we’ll get you more inspired, give you tips & tactics, as well as get some writing in. Please RSVP to let me know that you’ll be attending.
And now your moment of Writing Zen:
“Writing: you come to the field hoping to be an artist, and wind up an entrepreneur.” ~Myke Cole, author

What did you Write today?

Casondra Brewster
Sno Valley Writes!
Helping Writers Reach New Literary Peaks Since 2008
Check us out on Facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/SnoValleyWrites

“But words are things, and a small drop of ink,
Falling, like dew upon a thought, produces
That which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think.” ~ Lord Byron